Postmenopausal Vaginal Bleeding,Finding the Causes and symptoms menopause

The symptoms of menopause are caused by changes in estrogen and progesterone levels. When estrogen drops suddenly, as is seen when the ovaries are removed surgically (called surgical menopause), symptoms can be more severe. Perimenopause begins several years before menopause, when the ovaries gradually produce less estrogen. Currently, hormone replacement therapy (estrogen with or without progestin) is the primary treatment for the symptoms and long-term risks associated with menopause. The work is the latest salvo in a years-long back and forth about memory, menopause, and estrogen. During menopause, the ovaries produce less estrogen than during the reproductive years. As a result, many problems women have with menopause relate to low estrogen levels. every woman, her regular menstrual period can be annoying especially if it means being immobilized for a while, unable to do the most routine of her daily chores. For some, they consider it a sort of curse, especially with the pain that often comes with the menstrual cycle. However, women are not one to easily complain about it because they know that their menstrual period is a testament to their womanhood. And with womanhood, there is always the possibility of being able to bear a child. And that, for most if not all of women, is the greatest joy a female may experience.
What Postmenopausal Vaginal Bleeding Is
A woman’s menstrual cycle may be described simply as vaginal bleeding, although the term may be too simple to describe such an occurrence. Vaginal bleeding refers to the bleeding in females that is a physiological response during non-conceptional menstrual cycle, or it may be caused by hormonal or organic problems of the reproductive system. Although such bleeding may occur at any age, an investigation is always imperative as it may indicate more health problems that demand immediate attention. On the other hand, vaginal bleeding during pregnancy may indicate a complicated pregnancy that needs immediate medical attention.
The Different Causes of Postmenopausal Vaginal Bleeding
Vaginal bleeding may be due to any of the following causes under the different stages:
1. Bleeding in Children. Vaginal bleeding before the menarche (the female’s first menstrual period) may indicate the presence of a foreign body in the vagina, sexual molestation or vaginal infection. Bleeding in Pre-menopausal Women. On the other hand, if bleeding occurs in postmenopausal women, the following are the most common reasons:
a) Menstruation: Menstruation can be classified as heavy or light. The former is termed hypermenorrhea, while the latter is hypomenorrhea. Moreover, bleeding may occur in between periods, and it is termed intermenstrual bleeding.
b) Dysfunctional uterine bleeding. This is often due to hormonal imbalance.
c) Cervical cancer may cause vaginal bleeding especially after sexual intercourse.
d) In cases after immediate pregnancy, vaginal bleeding may be due to the products of conception that are still retained in the uterus.
e) Tumors in the uterus known as uterine fibroids can also cause vaginal bleedings.
3. Bleeding in Pregnant Women. If vaginal bleeding occurs in pregnant women, immediate medical attention is necessary to ensure that delivery will be safe, emphasizing the health of both the mother and the child. If the bleeding is light, it may be due to a rupture in a small vein on the outer rim of the placenta. It can also be an indicator of a possible miscarriage, especially if it occurs during the early stages of pregnancy. In cases like this, an ultrasound is badly needed to determine the cause of vaginal bleeding.

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