What is postmenopausal bleeding? - Causes & Evaluation

Postmenopausal bleeding occurs when a woman of menopausal age has had 12 months without a period (amenorrhoea) and then has unscheduled (ie without hormonal treatment intervention) vaginal bleed.

http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/4135/earlyendometrialcancer0.jpgPostmenopausal bleeding can originate in different parts of the reproductive system. Bleeding from the vagina may occur because when estrogen secretion stops, the vagina dries out and can diminish (atrophy). This is the most common cause of bleeding from the lower reproductive tract.

Lesions and cracks on the vulva may also bleed. Sometimes bleeding occurs after intercourse. Bleeding can occur with or without an associated infection.


Bleeding from the upper reproductive system can be caused by:

- Hormone replacements
- Endometrial cancer
- Endometrial polyps
- Cervical cancer
- Cervical lesions
- Uterine tumors
- Ovarian cancer
- Estrogen-secreting tumors in other parts of the body

Postmenopausal vaginal bleeding must always be investigated. In the majority of cases no serious problem will be found but there are times when the bleeding is the first symptom of serious disease including cancer. Even when the bleeding is related to cancer, if it is diagnosed early there is a very good chance that the disease can be cured

From : answers.com , 2womenshealth.com , womentowomen.com